Monday, 30 December 2019
राजकीय आईटीआई , अलीगंज, लखनऊ में प्लेसमेन्ट कैंपस HERO MOTOCORP LTD.
1. प्लेसमेन्ट कराने वाली कम्पनी का नाम :- HERO MOTOCORP LTD. Sector-33, Gurgaon,
2. प्लेसमेन्ट का स्थान दिनांक एवं समय :- {Job Expired} 04 जनवरी 2020 प्रातः 10 बजे।
3. आयुसीमा :- 18 वर्ष से कम न हो और 22 वर्ष से अधिक नही होनी चाहिए।
4. शैक्षिक योग्यता:- 10th Pass From any Recognized Board
5. Trade requirement for Apprenticeship:- Fitter-50, Turner-15, Motor Mechanic
Vehicle (MMV)-25,Machinist-15, Painter-15, Electrician-2, Welder-5.
6. Should be a passed out candidate from ITI (NCVT/SCVT) in the year 2017/
2018/2019. (अप्रेन्टिस कर चुके अभ्यर्थी किसी भी दशा में पात्र नहीं है।)
7. Salary Details - Total Stipend is Rs. 12000/- per month (Stipend Rs. 10000/-
and Rs.2000/-Attendance Award)
8. Other benefits like- Subsidizes Canteen facility, Uniform, Holidays/Leaves
etc., Guest House Stay for initial 5 day.
9. Inportant Instruction:- a) Candidate should carry all original testimonials of
Educational and Technical qualifications.
b) Selection will be based on merit and personal interview.
10.Apprentice Training under Aprenticeship Act is for 1 year.
ITI Jobs
ITI Jobs